History question need help

History question need help

1. Which of the following was true of a married woman in the colonial era?

(A) She would be sentenced to debtors’ prison for debts incurred by her husband.

(B) She could vote as her husband’s proxy in elections.

(C) She generally lost control of her property when she married.

(D) She was the beneficiary by law of her husband’s estate.

(E) Her legal rights over her children were the same as those of her husband.

2. Which of the following colonies required each community of 50 or more families to provide a teacher of reading and writing?

(A) Pennsylvania

(B) Massachusetts

(C) Virginia

(D) Maryland

(E) Rhode Island

3. The area marked X on the map was part of

(A) Massachusetts’ Western Reserve

(B) the Northwest Territory

(C) the Louisiana Purchase

(D) the Mexican Cession

(E) the Oregon Country

4. In the early years of the textile industry in Lowell, Massachusetts, owners of the textile mills were best known for their

(A) humanitarian refusal to hire women and children as factory operatives

(B) brutal treatment of their workforces

(C) idealistic efforts to avoid the worst evils of English industrialization

(D) profit-motivated efforts to replicate the factory system of the English Industrial Revolution

(E) pioneering efforts to establish labor unions

5. At the beginning of the Civil War, Southerners expressed all of the following expectations EXCEPT:

(A) The materialism of the North would prevent Northerners from fighting an idealistic war.

(B) Great Britain would intervene on the side of the South in order to preserve its source of cotton.

(C) Northern unity in the struggle against the Southern states would eventually break.

(D) The economic and military resources of the South would outlast those of the North.

(E) The justice of the South’s cause would prevail.

6. Which of the following constitutes a significant change in the treatment of American Indians during the last half of the nineteenth century?

(A) The beginnings of negotiations with individual tribes

(B) The start of a removal policy

(C) The abandonment of the reservation system

(D) The admission of all American Indians to the full rights of United States citizenship

(E) The division of the tribal lands among individual members

7. “This, then, is held to be the duty of the man of wealth: to consider all surplus revenues which come to him simply as trust funds, which heis called upon to administer and strictly bound as a matter of duty to administer in the manner which, in his judgment, is best calculated to produce the most beneficial results for the community—the man of wealth thus becoming the mere agent and trustee for his poorerbrethren.’’ These sentiments are most characteristic of

(A) transcendentalism

(B) pragmatism

(C) the Gospel of Wealth

(D) the Social Gospel

(E) Reform Darwinism

8. Many Mexicans migrated to the United States during the First World War because

(A) revolution in Mexico had caused social upheaval and dislocation

(B) immigration quotas for Europeans went unfilled as a result of the war

(C) the war in Europe had disrupted the Mexican economy

(D) American Progressives generally held liberal views on the issue of racial assimilation

(E) the United States government offered Mexicans land in exchange for military service

9. Which of the following has been viewed by some historians as an indication of strong anti-Catholic sentiment in the presidential election of 1928?

(A) The increased political activity of the Ku Klux Klan

(B) The failure of the farm bloc to go to the polls

(C) Alfred E. Smith’s choice of Arkansas senator Joseph T. Robinson as his running mate

(D) Alfred E. Smith’s failure to carry a solidly Democratic South

(E) Herbert Hoover’s use of “rugged individualism” as his campaign slogan

10. During his presidency, Harry S Truman did all of the following EXCEPT

(A) abolish the Tennessee Valley Authority

(B) establish a new loyalty program for federal employees

(C) extend Social Security benefits

(D) order the desegregation of the armed forces

(E) veto the Taft-Hartley Act

11. Which of the following best describes the Harlem Renaissance?

(A) The rehabilitation of a decaying urban area

(B) An outpouring of Black artistic and literary creativity

(C) The beginning of the NAACP

(D) The most famous art show of the early twentieth century

(E) The establishment of the back-to-Africa movement

12. Conscription policies in the First and Second World Wars differed significantly in that in the Second World War

(A) African Americans were drafted into integrated units

(B) conscientious objectors were not officially recognized

(C) the draft began before the United States entered the conflict

(D) the draft was administered at the regional and federal levels by

the armed forces

(E) exemptions were offered for a range of war-related occupations

13. All of the following concerns were addressed during the “Hundred Days” of the New Deal EXCEPT

(A) banking regulation

(B) unemployment relief

(C) agricultural adjustment

(D) homeowner mortgage support

(E) court restructuring

14. Jimmy Carter and Ronald Reagan were similar as presidential candidates in that both

(A) articulated the public’s desire for less involvement in foreign affairs

(B) capitalized on their status as Washington outsiders

(C) promised Congress increased control over domestic matters

(D) renounced private fund-raising in support of their campaigns

(E) had built national reputations as legislators

15. Richard Nixon’s 1968 political comeback to win the presidency can be partly attributed to

(A) dissension within the Democratic Party over Vietnam

(B) the defection of Black voters to the Republican Party

(C) Nixon’s cordial relations with the news media

(D) Nixon’s great popularity as Eisenhower’s vice president

(E) Nixon’s promise of immediate withdrawal of American forces from Vietnam