Watch the play called The Diary of Anne Frank by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hac

Watch the play called The Diary of Anne Frank by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hac

From the provided list, choose one of the plays and watch the film version (keep in mind that some plays have been filmed more than once; be sure the film you watch matches the list by checking the actors).  Review the film based on the criteria below in a 600-700 word typed report. You may use as many paragraphs as you wish, but don’t make the report one never ending paragraph.

Be sure to cover each of the areas discussed below.

Identify the name of the play and its author. Into which general category would you place the play-drama, comedy, comedy/drama, historical drama?

State the basic premise of the play (DO NOT provide a complete plot summary). Be sure to identify all the major character (don’t just refer to the characters by the name of the actor portraying that character).

Identify the nature of the conflict in the play.

Does the movie try to be more of a “cinematic experience” than simply a filmed stage play? Discuss whether you could have guessed the movie was based on a play or whether the movie has been “opened up” (with numerous scene change, outdoor photography, etc) to such an extent that its original origins aren’t particularly apparent.

Which actor turns in the best performance and/or is the most entertaining? Refer to the actor by name, not just by the character’s name. What do you like about this particular performance? Also discuss whether any actor are miscast (that is, don’t really “fit” the part) or have distracting accents or mannerisms.

What do you think is the theme, or meaning, of the play? Keep in mind that some plays feature several themes running concurrently.

Any additional comments, praise or complaints about the film version? The fact that a movie is “old” or in black-and white is NOT a legitimate complaint!


PLAY : The Diary of Anne Frank by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett; with Millie Perkins, Richard Beymer, Joseph Schildkraut, shelley winters and Ed Wynn