Two Essays 5 pages each

I want to answer two questions in two separate essays of 5 pages each. I will attach the reading materials later.

First Question/

Discuss and describe the significance of John Marshall’s background and formative years including discussion of his relationship with his father, his education, his service during the Revolutionary War, and his election to Congress.  How different was Jefferson’s background from Marshall’s? Why did a rivalry develop between Marshall and Jefferson? Drawing on Smith, chapter 1, Henderson’s essay, and Ellis, pp. 175-176, 189-193, &221-227, how did Jefferson’s philosophy differ from Marshall’s, particularly in Marbury v. Madison and McCulloch v. Maryland?

Second Question/

Drawing on Doris Kearns Goodwin’s Team of Rivals, especially chapters 2, 11, 12 & 13, and  pp. 396-408, 463-468, 486-495,  506-513, 523-527, 556-566 603-607 633, along with Henderson’s essay “Abraham Lincoln and His Cabinet (on blackboard),  discuss in detail Lincoln’s political adeptness in appointing the Cabinet and in utilizing the talent and services of its members. Drawing on Kearns Goodwin and David Donald, pages 267-270, 285-292, and 301-302 (on blackboard), give an account of the Fort Sumter crisis and discuss how Lincoln dealt with it. Give details such as the positions of cabinet members and the arguments on each side.  How would you describe Lincoln’s administrative style?