The Secret Life of Bees – Sue Monk Kidd (Unit Assignment), English homework help

Assignment: The Novel

For this assignment you will have choose ONE of the following options:

OPTION A: Write an analytical essay that explores the meaning of the title and how the symbolism of the bees plays out in the novel. Your essay must have each of the following parts:

Introduction Paragraph

Hook statement to bring the audience into the essay

Summary of your main points

A strong, specific thesis that you will prove in the rest of the essay

Body Paragraphs (3 or more)

At least three main arguments that prove your thesis

Evidence from the novel to support each argument (at least three quotes or examples to prove each argument)

Commentary explaining the thematic or symbolic significance of each quote used

Transitions between ideas within each paragraph and between each paragraph

Concluding Paragraph

Restatement of your thesis in different words

Recap of the main points

An evaluation of the effectiveness of the title symbolically and thematically

A clincher statement that your audience will remember

OPTION B: Create a presentation, using a program such as Microsoft PowerPoint or Open Office Impress that explores the meaning of the novel’s title and uses illustrations to show the title’s connection to the theme and symbolism in the novel. Your presentation must include a minimum of eight slides with visual images and a commentary script written in the notes section of the slide or delivered in audio as part of the presentation.

1-2 Introductory Slides:

Hook the audience

Present a strong, focused thesis

Summarize your main proof for your thesis

6-12 Content Slides:

Present at least three main arguments that prove your thesis

Show evidence from the novel to support each argument (at least three quotes or examples to prove each argument)

Give commentary explaining the thematic or symbolic significance of each quote used (this is appropriate for the script portion of the assignment)

Transitions between ideas within each paragraph and between each paragraph this is appropriate for the script portion of the assignment)

1-2 Conclusion Slides:

Restate your thesis in different words

Recap the main points

Evaluate the effectiveness of the title symbolically and thematically

End with a clincher statement that your audience will remember

I don’t care which option you choose, so choose the option you think you could do the best!

The document that I have attached is the rubric for this assignment.