Second Assignment Unit 6

Second Assignment Unit 6

4 pages without the reference pager or introduction page 

The treatment that you use needs to be evidence based practice. Use this website find them.

This assignment is a continuation of the first Assignment you did like 3 weeks ago: Idenio_Ramos_1st_assignment .docx

Remember Chester from Unit 3? When you last left him, you were considering appropriate assessment of his therapeutic needs. Now you need to consider treatment. Review Chester’s case study from Unit 3. Address the following issues in your paper: 

you need to accurately answer each bullet point:

  • According to the literature, what evidence-based practices could meet Chester’s current needs? (In answering this question, you do not have to write an actual treatment plan. You will consider treatment planning in more detail in your Unit 8 Assignment.)
  • What support can you provide that the choices that you have made would constitute a sound, comprehensive treatment program for Chester and his family?
  • What environments would need to be coordinated in order to provide the interventions you are proposing?
  • How will you garner support and cooperation in each environment in order to ensure optimal compliance with behavioral programming?