Reward and Punishment, sociology homework help (50 words each)


Reward and Punishment

In this week’s Discussion, you and your peers will discuss justice. Justice is concerned with the fair use of rewards and punishments. You and your peers will discuss some of these issues and discuss which theory of justice is most logical and ethical.

In addition to your posted answer, be sure to comment on at least two of your classmates’ posts and participate regularly. Please see Discussion Expectations in the Course Announcement.

What method of reward and punishment is used in your family, and how does it fit in with the three theories? Does it work? Utilize the theories discussed in your reading.

In addition to your posted answer, be sure to comment on at least two of your classmates’ post and participate regularly. Responses to others can come in many forms and can include the following:

  • Responding to the ideas or details of someone else’s responses.
  • Taking a concept from the reading and applying it to life, to the reading itself, to your work, or to the questions you’re asked to answer.
  • Helping a peer understand a concept from the reading.
  • Sharing a story from work or your community that illustrates the reading.
  • Asking questions on points you need help understanding.
  • Explaining why you answered a question in a specific way.
  • Pointing out how different answers took the question in different directions/noting a pattern/suggesting an explanation.
  • Developing theories to explain patterns you see in the reading.
  • Summarizing aspects of the assigned reading and asking for help from your peers in figuring out how you would apply this concept in a real world situation.


In my family the approach to justice is not limited to one single theory.  We use what seems to be a combination of all three theories.  The restitution theory states that a victim is compensated usually by the wrong-doer for his transgressions (Thiroux, 2014).  My husband and I require our children to be responsible to those to whom they have caused harm with apologies and sometimes working off debt from damaged caused.  Other times a more utilitarian approach is used by forcing them to give up their time, efforts and money to those in need if it is a better lesson learned (Thiroux, 2014).  If they behave selfishly, having them give their time, share their goods, and spend their money on others is a better lesson for all.  It teaches the kids to be less selfish and allows them to see the rewards of giving; while the act of giving to others spreads more care, time, energy, and money to a larger group of people, for instance volunteering at the food pantry or helping tutor less fortunate students at school. Although it is rare that we have to resort to the retribution (eye for an eye) theory, we do occasionally use it (Thiroux, 2014).  When the boys fight or when they are careless with actions, we do discipline them with the eye for an eye theory.  If one hits the other then the one hit first gets to hit back. If one takes something without asking, then the other has the right to pick something to take that belongs to his brother.  The lesson there is to ask first, take only what belongs to you, and keep your hands to yourself.  Using a mixture of the theories works well for our family.  We have very well behaved boys who rarely get in trouble, use excellent manners, have great grades and are tremendous role models for others their age. 
I do not think that any one theory is more logical and justified than the other.  I think they each have their strong points as well as their weaknesses just as the ethics theories do.  I believe that different justice theories have to be considered depending on the severity of the offence and the value of the reward deserved.  A mild approach would not suit a murderer just as a harsher approach would not suit a learning child. 

Thank you for taking time to read my post.  I always love to hear what you have to say.

Warm wintertime wishes,


Thiroux, Jacques P., Keith Krasemann. Ethics: Theory and Practice (Updated Edition), 11th Edition. Pearson Learning Solutions, 2014-12-01. VitalBook file.


Hi Professor and Classmates,

I believe that every now and then, there will be different situations that can change an individual’s perspective on how to handle a crisis or issue, especially when it pertains to family and friends. When it comes to my family, we usually handle situations by following a mixture of these theories. An example of Results theory would be when my younger cousins would do what they are told by keeping their rooms clean or doing all of their chores, they would later be rewarded with an allowance or extra TV time. The same approach would be in effect if they did not do their chores, and they would not be able to use their electronics or play games.

When it comes to the Compensation theory, the approach that my family has taken has been really effective and is usually turned into a learning experience. If one of the cousins were to break their sibling’s toy or bully one another, then they would have to apologize and give their favorite toy to the sibling that they hurt. There will be mixed opinions on how some families solve their differences. Some of them will follow the Deserts theory, no mater what the consequences are. (Thiroux & Krasemann, 2014). One of my uncle’s believe that if someone says something snarky or tries to inflict harm, then the same should be done towards them, an “eye for an eye” approach. Most of these theories have been applied to solve problems, and have been beneficial in decision-making.


Thiroux, J. P. & Krasemann, K. W. (2014) Ethics: Theory and practice, updated edition. Retrieved from!/4/2/34/4/2/2/2@0:0