research paper?????????

research paper?????????

I need someone to write my research paper following these exact guidelines! NO PLAGIARISM. 

TOPIC; Preventing teen pregnancy 

Your research paper is to be written following APA (American Psychological Association) guidelines. The paper must be typed, double-spaced on standard-sized paper (8.5×11 inches) with margins of one-inch on all sides. It should have a minimum of 1500 words (usually five pages), excluding the title page, abstract, and the works cited page. While APA standards allow similar fonts, my requirement is Times Roman font with size 12 font. The paper is to be typed in Microsoft WordYou cannot submit your paper using Microsoft Works or Corel Word Perfect.

A minimum of five references is required and will be listed on your works cited page, also known as the reference page. Your references should come from research journals, book publications, documented articles. Internet journal articles (no more than two are allowed) are acceptable as long as they are properly referenced. I will not accept any references from the online Wikipedia.