Public speaking, english assignment help

write positive responses to each of these fellow classmates

jose :

Every time I have to speak in public, I get nerves and the anticipation gets to me, thinking all the what if, this goes wrong or that? but, at the same time I helps me to get prepared and used to my advantage. Ones I start speaking and notice the crowd are interested and responding to my message, my fear starts to fade away making me feel in control of the situation. I always practice what I’m going to say in front of the mirror and use my wife and family to practice and that always help, because they give me constructive critiques that I can correct before is actual go time.

malone :

When I am asked to speak in public, I always feel honored. I feel flattered that someone that my opinion will be heard on a subject. Of course I feel nervous. When writing the speech I always feel like it will not be good enough, or it may be good but I may make it boring. I think of the worst case scenarios, but I have been taught to think of the worst case scenario and best case scenario and reality check both of them to get to a realistic expectation of what might happen. I practice the speech to my self over and over again, and in front of friends, family or co-workers if given the opportunity. Usually right before the speech I try to meet some people in the crowd I may have not met before, and get to know them to feel out the crowd. I think once I get the ball rolling with a speech I get comfortable, and can usually deliver the speech with very little hiccups.