Project Part 2: Topic Development

Project Part 2: Topic Development

Based on the Part 1 

Topic Step 1.docx

please continue with step 2

Answer all of the following questions in 250-500 words. Be concise.

  1. What will be the focus of your paper? Do you have a main point that you are trying to make? Or are you planning to describe something for the sake of conveying information?
  2. How do you plan to organize your paper? Provide a short description of how the narrative of your paper will go. This can be in bullet list form, or it can be a short descriptive paragraph.
  3. What are your outside resources? You should have at least three. List your three resources, indicate why you think they are appropriate, and provide a one sentence description of each. In providing this information, be sure to properly evaluate your outside resources. You will not receive credit for citing inappropriate resources.