Need help to answer religion and beliefs questions for my philosophy homework

Need help to answer religion and beliefs questions for my philosophy homework

  • 1.1: Q8 p21:  What if you decide that life is without meaning – what would this mean to you personally?  Do you think your life would be less worth living? (Why, incidentally, are you attempting to answer this question?)

  • 1:2: Q6 p34: After reading this chapter, contrast faith and belief, and write out definitions of each. (See glossary.) Are you a ‘faith-full’ person?  Are you a ‘belief-full’ person?

  • I am looking complete answer

  • I am looking for aproximately 1 double spaced page of content for each of the 2 questions.

  • I am looking microsoft word, double spaced, Times New Roman, and 12 point font.