My english professor gave me these questions

My english professor gave me these questions

my english professor gave me questions and i have to answer them till sunday

but I’m not quite sure if my answer is okay.

if you are a english major, please revise my answer!

1. Titles are important. They serve as spectacles through which the readers are encouraged to read a work. Considering this, explain the significance of the title you have given to your essay. What clues have you planted in the title to help the reader with your essay. In choosing these words for your title, what are you saying to the reader?

I suggest a central message of the story by the title of the essay. The title for my essay is “An Ethical Dilemma of the American Conscience Reflected on “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas””. The essay is about three elements that work to deliver a central message of the story, and “An Ethical Dilemma of the American Conscience” is the central message of the story.


2. Explain the relationship between the thesis statement in your essay and each of the following parts of your essay: (a) topic sentences; (b) textual support; (c) secondary support/research; (d) conclusion.


The thesis statement in your essay was “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas use symbolism, imagery and tone to deliver a powerful message about an ethical dilemma of America.

Topic sentences and the thesis statement : Through the three topic sentences, I explained how each of the elements(symbolism, imagery and tone) works to deliver a message about an ethical dilemma. I explained that symbolism is used as an allegory of the ethical dilemma in America, imagery is used to deliver vivid images of the ethical dilemma and tone is used to encourage readers to contemplate the ethical dilemma.

Textual support and the thesis statement : Textual support were used to “support” each topic sentences, so the thesis statement could be much more powerfully supported.

(c)Secondary support and research and the thesis statement :

Through researches, I was able to reach some very useful informations that were not written in the story. For example, I knew that the author of the story, Ursula K.Le Guin mentioned that the story was written as a allegory of the scapegoat as the “dillema of the American conscience”. Because she never literally stated the dilemma, I read critical essays and analysis about the story, so I can learn many of interpretations about the story. They helped me to organize my own thought. Secondary support and research, therefore, were used to make the thesis statement and overall essay more powerful and persuasive.

(d)Conclusion and the thesis statement : As I mentioned that symbolism, imagery and tone is used to deliver a central message about the ethical dilemma in America, I made a recommendation to the readers to think about the ethical dilemma and have their own conclusion about the dilemma.

Now that you have completed your work on the research paper, what questions about the author and/or the work still remain in your mind?


Now I understand her political ideal to some extent. I understand that she’s a person who’s very concerned with equality. She is seen as an anarchist, anti-capitalist and feminist. I think it’s related to the fact that she studied abroad to French, the country that is less capitalistic and more feministic than America. However, “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas” by her is a story that suggests that there is no way to change the system for an individual. The stroy never suggested how the system should be changed. I want to know if she has any specific idea to make the system more idealistic. I assume she should have some ideas, because she should have great understanding of France and she must have compared America and France in terms of her political idealism.