I need your help with this discussion

I need your help with this discussion

Post 2 – Response to 1ststudent is well organized, includes classmate’s name, addresses topic, and demonstrates critical thinking

Not required, but must cite any work used

word count 200

student name: Doris

Anxiety is a normal human emotion that everyone experiences at times, especially when it’s close to a major event, for example, before taking a test or before a blind date. Anxiety has three parts: physical feeling, thought and behaviors, that often occur in a sequence. An anxiety could become an abnormal behavior when it causes distress and interferes with a person’s ability to manage his/her normal life (Kearney & Trull, 2015).

There are many factors that contribute to think that women experience more anxiety than men, these factors could be environmental: cultural, social and biological predispositions: genetics, brain feature, evolutionary influences, behavioral inhibition and neurochemical features (Kearney &Troll, 2015).  In my opinion one good reason that women are more prone to anxiety is the biological predispositions. Could be genetics or neurochemical features, for example, neurotransmitters affect mood and behavior, and neuro-chemical changes that occurs in women’s bodies and not in men’s. Neurotransmitters are natural chemicals produced by our bodies, there are two types “inhibitory” which promote happiness and calm and “excitatory” which promote excitement, fear reactions and stress. One type of inhibitory neurotransmitter is Serotonin that regulates the mood and plays a role in stress coping, and some studies show that men have naturally more levels of serotonin in their body than women (Aloysi & Van, 2006). 

In conclusion, women and men are different and they have different ways to face their anxiety. Based on different research, women are diagnosed more than men because women talk more about their problems and are more willing to visit a psychology or therapist than men who tend to hide their anxiety using other methods (Kearney &Trull 2015). 

Every time that I search about this topic, different factors are presented and I agree with Kearney and Trull (2015) that the controversy about gender differences are going to continue, because even with a large number of supported  research there are no concrete explanation about why  anxiety-related disorders are more frequent in females than in males.