History Assignment 1000 words

History Assignment 1000 words

A. Read the Res Gestae Divi Augusti at:


Also Read The Life of Augustus by Suetonius at:


Scroll through and read Sections 2, 28-36, 67-79 and 101.

Using these sources plus Kishlansky’s assessment of Augustus, write an essay of approximately 1,000 words exploring the following questions:

  • Compare and contrast Kishlansky’s assessment of Augustus’ accomplishments with the one in Res Gestae Divi Augusti.
  • What do you think the historian Suetonius (69 CE -122 CE) thought of Augustus as a leader and as a man?
  • According to Suetonius was there a difference between the public Augustus and the private Augustus? How do you reconcile any disparity?
  • Evaluate Augustus as a Roman leader using specific factual information.