Hackers and Social Activism, political science homework help

Module Twelve, due November 17, 2016: Hackers and Social Activism

  • Readings:
    • Books:Singer, sections beginning on p. 77, 80, 110
    • Articles: Casserly, What is Hacktivism? A short history of Anonymous, Lulzsec, and the Arab Spring; Denning, Activism, Hacktivism, and Cyberterrorism: The Internet as a Tool for Influencing Foreign Policy (RAND, p. 239-288)
  • Learning Activity: In the discussion board, respond to the following:
    • How do non-state actors use cyberspace to promote advocacy or achieve objectives? How is this activity evolving and where might it go in the future?
    • Is there a meaningful difference between cyber criminals and “hacktivists” using cyberspace as a form of political protest?