Final Exam HISTORY OF ISLAM 231 Take Home, history homework help

Please be sure to answer the following question in an essay 1000-1200 words in length (and no more than 1500). Answers should be carefully thought out and well organized. Rather than a mere list of details your responses should strive to present a cogent and carefully constructed argument. Detailed examples must be used to support your arguments. All final exams must be returned to the History Department office by noon, May 11th. You will need to have someone log in your paper with the date and time.

Please be sure to provide proper parenthetical citations (e.g. Kinzer p. 45) for all information that is not your own. Essays must be typewritten and double-spaced with a font no larger than 12 point.

 Late papers will not be accepted and those missing the deadline will receive a “0”.

All the final based upon this question if it was not answered in any form i will fail this final


Muslim societies have undergone numerous political, social and religious changes between 1500 and the present. Based on the lectures and readings from throughout the course, what were the most significant transformations to occur in the Muslim world during this period and what were the driving forces behind them? In addition, what lessons can we take away from the last 500 years of Islamic history that will help us better understand and engage Muslim society today?  Please use specific, detailed, examples, drawn from across the course, to support your argument.