Evidence from plants, tools, and other remains of ancient Egypt show that some of these items have shared origins in the Fertile Crescent, history assignment help


  1. Evidence from plants, tools, and other remains of ancient Egypt show that some of these items have shared origins in the Fertile Crescent. Recent evidence points to the fact that Egyptians _did_ independently develop their own versions of

12.5 points  


  1. Shades and colors in ancient Egyptian art seem to have been used for complex symbolisms not fully understood at this time. For example, the contrast between the color of the nutrient-rich soil created by the Nile River’s floods and the pale shades of the dry desert apparently connected to some broader meanings. According to the textbook, the color black came to represent

12.5 points  


  1. In ancient Egyptian religious mythology, which of the gods was described as emerging from the water and, taking the form of the sun, acted as a Creator

12.5 points  


  1. The first Kings emerged in Egyptian society around what time-frame?

12.5 points  


  1. Approximately 90 percent of ancient Egypt’s population was made up of ordinary workers such as shopkeepers, peasant farmers, and other people of that social level. What were some of the elements of these people’s diet?

12.5 points  


  1. According to the text, which combination of factors led to the collapse of the Old Kingdom around 2200 BC?

12.5 points  


  1. Evidence of a shift in power from total centralized authority of the Old Kingdom-era kings to the Middle Kingdom-era kings can be deduced from the following changes as seen in these primary sources:

12.5 points  


  1. The kingdom of Kush, south of Egypt on the Nile, was at its height from a specific 200-year period that is discussed in the textbook. Based on what you’ve read, which period of rule by kings in Egypt did this height of Kush’s power most overlap with/coincide with?