English class power point

English class power point

     I’m taking a English class, and the topic of my paper is Seattle Minimum Wage. In the end, my professor ask us to make a power point to share our experiences or challenges that we had in this class.  The power point should be able to cover 5 mins presentation at least. 

 Here is the requirement:

   “As discussed in the 7/30 class, due to unforeseen circumstances, we will be completing our presentations online, not in class. You have some leeway in how you choose to present your research to the class as long as you meet the following requirements:

  • You must include visual aid/representations in your online presentation (a lot of students like using Powerpoint, Prezi, or Google Presentation software for organization, but you have many options at your disposal, including podcasting or recorded video).
  • You must include either audio or written transcript to accompany your visual presentation.
  • You must meet the basic standards set down in the original assignment in terms of content.

Note: each student must post a presentation and comment on a fellow student’s presentation by the deadline. Although all postings up to the 8/20 final submission date will be counted as on time, I strongly recommend that students post the presentation at least 24 hours before the deadline if they can — just to allow everyone a chance to receive feedback from their classmates.”

    So the power point should be about any of my experiences or challenges in this class.  I have written something about it on our discussion broad, so you could use some materials from that. You also can add something else that is appropriate to it. Here are what I wrote before. 


Hello class!

    My topic is: should minimum wage be enacted in Seattle? I found it was very interesting when I was watching the news on May 1st, when was the International Workers’ Day. Instead of celebration, I saw many workers were on the street for demonstration, because they advocated for a higher minimum wage. However, the small business community started to worry about survival since the new minimum wage rule pasted. I like take a stand for each side to try persuade the opposing side of the issue before I start to write my paper. One of the questions I keep asking myself is, why is it important, so I can understand what the problem is exactly. It helps me be clear about my topic, then I am able to write deeply.


           Hello class!

    My topic is: should minimum wage be enacted in Seattle? I found it was very interesting when I was watching the news on May 1st, when was the International Workers’ Day. Instead of celebration, I saw many workers were on the street for demonstration, because they advocated for a higher minimum wage. However, the small business community started to worry about survival since the new minimum wage rule pasted. I like take a stand for each side to try persuade the opposing side of the issue before I start to write my paper. One of the questions I keep asking myself is, why is it important, so I can understand what the problem is exactly. It helps me be clear about my topic, then I am able to write deeply.

                 The most challenging aspect for me is that I’m not from America, so I don’t have many local experiences on this topic. The best way for me to find resources is too look at recent periodicals and such sources as much as I can. Since this is currently a hot topic in the public eye. I need to do many types of researches for me to understand the American minimum wage system. It would be especially great and most helpful if I could interview some local workers and small business owners. If anyone has the experience or thoughts on my topic, please don’t be afraid to share them with me.

               Another thought that came to me is that I can view this issue from a foreigner’s angle.  It’s better to bring different ideas, so my paper can attract more attention from my audience. So far, I just have too many ideas about the arguments and the solution. I feel it is hard to organize all the information that I found, and it’s not easy to control the balance of how much I should write between the problems and solutions.  I hope to hear all of your suggestions.

No.2 :

        As I wrote my rough draft, and received peer review from my classmates, I noticed that the structure of my paper became clearer. Before I wrote this paper, I found lots of resources that could be used in my paper, but I was worried that I might have a hard time identifying where to put them. When I look at each paragraph, as I deeply write my paper, I know how to present the main idea, and where to put my evidences; however, some of the resources are very similar, so to pick the appropriate one after comparing, I can’t help but wonder if I am choosing the best one. The problem I am having now is how to expand my paper; I’m not quite sure how to go about this. I have already presented the pros and cons. My own position on this matter is pro. Perhaps one of you might have some ideas?  I would welcome your input. My topic is the new minimum wage in Seattle. Some of the key points I bring out are

  1. How does it benefit the low income people?
  2. How does it affect the small business community? and,
  3. How can we help the small business community overcome the higher wage payment impact on their overhead?