English assignment: “Prepare a Scene.”

This writing assignment focuses on the following skills:

Choosing and writing from an appropriate point of view in a narrative

Creating a setting that establishes a clear time and place

Write a single scene about an important, fictional event. The scene must establish a clear point of view and take place in a well-described setting. The scene may be about anything you can imagine as long as you describe it clearly; it may be a self-contained story or a single chapter in an ongoing story.

Your scene should include the following elements:

  • A fictional event of some kind, such as an important conversation or a major discovery
  • A point of view, which may be first person, third-person limited, or third-person omniscient
  • A setting that lets the reader know the place and time in which your event occurs
  • At least one narrative technique from the lesson, such as dialogue

Ask yourself these questions as you revise:

  • Do I keep the focus of the scene narrow? Do I avoid trying to build too complex a sequence of events?
  • Does something significant happen in my scene? Is there a conflict or a problem that a character must face?
  • Is my chosen point of view clear and consistent? Do I stick with my decision about the point of view throughout the scene?
  • Do I describe the setting vividly? Do I make the place and time feel real?
  • Do I make use of one of the narrative techniques from the lesson? Do I show a good understanding of how it’s used in a story?