DHS History Development and Acronyms

DHS History Development and Acronyms

Discussing any government program or agency requires a list of acronyms and the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is no exception to this rule. In a well-written paper, briefly describe the history and formation of the DHS. Be sure to discuss, at a minimum, the agencies and concepts designated by following acronyms: QHSR, HSE, NRF, NIMS, ICS, and UC. Explain what each means. This should be done in a logical sequence where one acronym builds upon or relates to another. There is a top down logical flow to these acronyms. Within each description, be sure to highlight and discuss core elements or requirements that each acronym calls for or offers. Your paper should be 2-3 pages in length. Cite at least two credible outside sources for support.  Please note that more sources will enhance the quality of your response and provide a better understanding from which to make you arguments or points.