Cyber attacks in the Business Industries, English homework help

 Topic is Cyber attacks in the Business Industries. / Ill leave my paper what I have done so far but needs to be way fixed sand better also follow instructions as thqat paper is not finshed product

Here are some suggestions writing post one:  

1-Please reread the prompt below to be clear on the task and make sure to answer all the questions in post one.

Post One: Topic Proposal (500-750 words)

Allowable sources: recent New York Times or other major U.S. city newspaper articles and/or articles from KQED or other NPR (national public radio) stations. No other sources are allowed for the first post.


Task: Frame your topic: For your main point in the beginning of the post, explain what you have chosen as your semester long topic and why you have picked it or why you think others should read about it (see samples below).

Then in the rest of the post, frame your topic and answer the following in a logical order:

Who is the topic important to and why does the topic matter?

What is some background/important credible information people ought to know about your topic that you learned from reading about it in the news?  OR What is something the average person does not know about your topic, but should know to understand it more fully?

What questions do you have on the topic that you would like to answer eventually?

2-You will need a main point early in the post that states what your topic is and either why you choose it or why you think it is important for others to read it. See class discussion and pages 24-25 in the course reader on this.

Here are some sample main points from previous students:

Please note: Since I am taking these sentences out of context, I sometimes added the words in brackets [ ] so that the context would be clearer here. Do not use these brackets when writing your own main point.

1.  Because [my brother has Type 1 diabetes], I want to devote myself [in this web series] to exploring the most viable options for curing my brother’s condition: Artificial and Bionic Pancreases.

2.  [I would like to spend the semester discussing how] the trend of misusing prescription stimulants shows no signs of slowing down, so students need to understand why their peers are choosing to use these drugs and what they are risking when they choose to cut corners with a “study drug.”

3.  I plan to discuss microbiota, which are the trillions of microorganisms that live inside the human body, and their connection to the gut and mind for my semester-long project because I did not know that microbiota played such a central role in human health [until I recently became ill].

4.  Ever since I was a child, I have always shown an interest in cars even when it came to picking out toys…As autonomous vehicles make their way to being the next level in transportation, it would be intriguing to follow how this technology will take over the future.

5.  By pursuing my interest in urban agriculture [in this web series], I believe that I will be able to accumulate more knowledge that most people living in urban areas do not explore and examine if urban agriculture is indeed a viable method to reconnect myself with my food at the same time.

6.  The topic for my webpage is “Mass Incarceration’s Effect on the African American Family Structure” because it is currently the most prominent hardship in my life, and as I struggled with my own situation, I realized just how much of an occurrence this is in the African American community.

7.  [In this web series], I would like to form a receptive analytical discussion about the new age of digital dating and determine the ways in which it’s transforming the way we meet, connect, and communicate.

3- Make sure you have both a title for your series and a different title for each post. So for example the title for your whole series might be “California’s Drought” and the title for the first post might be “The Drought Affects All Californians.” See class discussion and pages 22-23 in the course reader on this.

4-You will also need at least one image that you credit with a hyperlink that really illustrates your topic. See student samples on Ilearn for examples of great images and class discussion on this.

5-You will also need a hyperlink to at least one allowable source in this post so that you can credit your sources. We will cover how to do this in class.

6-For the body of the post, you will answer the questions in the prompt. In class we will cover how to organize and develop your writing and there is a lot of material in the course reader on this. To start, you might want to read again, “How academic writing is structured” on pages 28-31 and anything else in the “Structure, Logic, and Organization” section of the course reader (see Table of Contents).