Considering what you have learned about developmental disorders and the brain

Considering what you have learned about developmental disorders and the brain

Considering what you have learned about developmental disorders and the brain, answer the following:

  1. What evidence to support or not support that Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) a Developmental Disorder?
  2. What is the prevalence rate of ADHD in the US and does it impact one sex more than the other? What are the primary causes of ADHD?
  3. How easily is ADHD diagnosed? Is it over-diagnosed, and if so, why? How is it ideally treated vs how is it usually treated?

Imagine if you were the parent of a child who was carefully and correctly diagnosed with ADHD. What kind of treatment would you want for your child? Describe the advantages and disadvantages of at least one type of ADHD treatment and why you might choose that approach for your child.

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