Complete Discussion Post and Assignment for Composition I Course

Discussion Post #1: Please refer to the Unit 4 Discussion Post Sample as an Exmaple on how to complete Discussion Post

Using your prewriting, write a draft of your Unit 4 Assignment. “”Teen, social media and depression””

Please keep in mind that your draft should do the following:

  1. Make sure you provide your audience with the author’s name, title and a link to the article as well as a summary of relevant information from the article.
  2. Go beyond summary by adding to what the author says in some way (one way to do that is to disagree, or engage in debate, or explore a point further than it is addressed in the article).
  3. Be sure that you make clear to your audience why the issue you are informing them about is relevant to them in some way.

In the body of your post, include your initial revision plan. To help develop your revision plan consider the following questions:

  1. What aspects of your draft do you think could use development?
  2. What aspects of your draft do you think are strong?
  3. Which areas of your draft are you still working on?

Imagine that you have created a blog where you post about various issues important to you and your friends and others studying in your field. Write a 1 – 1 and 1/2 page double spaced blog post that educates your audience about an issue that the article you selected raises. Make sure you provide your audience with the author’s name, title and a link to the article as well as a summary of relevant information from the article, but go beyond summary. Add to what the author says in some way (one way to do that is to disagree, or engage in debate, or explore a point further than it is addressed in the article), and be sure that you make clear to your audience why the issue you are informing them about is relevant to them in some way. For example, if you have a family member with a disease like diabetes, you might want to write a blog post explaining what you have learned about the importance of a healthy diet.

Your submission should be organized into paragraphs, with a clear introduction, body paragraph(s) and conclusion. Utilize the following 5-minute video from the KU Writing Center to format your paper: