Choose a student from your class and identify all of the data sources that you have available to you regarding this student’s situation.

Choose a student from your class and identify all of the data sources that you have available to you regarding this student’s situation. List the scores this student has on all the available data sources. (This might include any standardized tests, short cycle assessments, benchmark testing, fluency probes, discipline referrals, attendance data, affective assessments, etc…) What

does the data tell
you about the student? What are the strengths and weaknesses? How will you use this data to inform your instruction for this student? This might include content, skills, behavior, grouping, or types of assessment. You do not need to submit any of the actual tests, just descriptions


1- explanation of data sources which are standardized test, short cycle assessment, benchmark assessment, fluency probes, discipline referrals, affective assessment.

2- academic sources which are anything that is related to students grading such as spelling test, accelerated reader and so on


I have an example for them

4 pages