Chemisty Project

Bonding Theories in General ChemistryApplying Lewis Model, VSEPR, Valence Bond and Molecular Orbital Theories.**The Concept Map**•Prepare a concept map on “molecular shapes”. The concept maps must include the following “categories” (information): Octet rule, Lewis and VSEPR theory, Valence Bond(and hybridization), and Molecular Orbitals.**Construct a virtual 3D model**Choose a molecule with everyday life application, like a drug, natural biological, organic synthetic, other. The Molecule must contain the following•10 atoms•At least 1 double and/or triple bond (sigma and pi bonds).•Prepare a 3D model (virtual). Virtual: you can use an app (3D Molecules Editor), oronyour computer (, or any other you find.**Show and Tell**Write an essay (1000 words) including the following:•Explaining your concept map.•Tell 3 facts about the molecule you choose•Use your concept map to explain your model. In your explanation include the following information: pi and sigma bonds, hybridization and, if present, resonance and “charge distribution”(electron rich/electron poor areas).