Assignment 2: Case Study: Clinical Supervision

Assignment 2: Case Study: Clinical Supervision

Part 1 separate document

Discussion Question: Supervision

Travon is the lead counselor in a small clinic. Elliot has worked there for a few years and reports to Travon. Travon completes Elliot’s yearly evaluation and oversees his work. Although Travon is the supervisor, Elliot is actually three years older. They both enjoy watching hockey and often meet for drinks after work to watch the games. Although the other three counselors get together with Travon and Elliot for lunch sometimes, they are not invited to hang out with them after work:

  • Describe the responsibilities of a counseling supervisor.
  • Explain the possible ethical dilemmas.
  • Explain how the social situation with Travon and Elliot could impact the work environment.
  • Develop a policy that you would implement to minimize ethical concerns related to social activities between colleagues while supporting collegial relationships.

Part two Case Study: Clinical Supervision separate document

For this assignment, you will refer to the Course Case Study. Reread the case study, looking specifically at issues related to clinical supervision. Examine the ACA’s ethical guidelines related to the issue of supervision in Section F and answer the following questions:

  • Explain the ethical issues related to the supervisor.
  • Explain the ethical issues related to the supervisee/student.
  • Examine the influence of your own personal values as it relates to the issues presented in the case.
  • Compare the violations to the APA’s ethical standards and describe the similarities or differences in the ethical code using the following websites:
  • Imagine you are a member of the ACA ethics committee. Describe the recommendations you have for the supervisor.
  • Describe the recommendations you have for the supervisee/student.

Assignment 2 Grading Criteria

Maximum Points

Described the ethical issues related to the supervisor.


Described the ethical issues related to the supervisee/student.


Explained how your own personal values relate to the issues presented in the case.


Compared the ethical standards of the APA and the ACA to analyze the differences and similarities.


Described recommendations for the supervisor.


Described recommendations for the supervisee/student.


Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

