Assessment, Evaluation, and Treatment planning

Assessment, Evaluation, and Treatment planning

Subject: Assessment, Evaluation, and Treatment Planning (3 credits, non-liberal, introductory)

This essay should be 3-5 pages, and it should be written as if it were me speaking. And it should include Assessment, evaluation, and treatment planning, regarding clients in a substance abuse treatment program. This essay doesn’t need references because its suppose to sound as if it’s coming from me, and my experience. Please organize this essay well. You can also include in the Essay:

Assessment: The procedures by which a counselor/program identifies and evaluates and individual’s strengths, weaknesses, problems and needs for the development of the treatment plan. (Please include when and how assessment takes place)

Evaluation: Please include how the clients are evaluated for example the clients go through a screening process. Screening process: The process by which a client is determined appropriate and eligible for admissions to a particular program.

Treatment planning: The process by which the counselor and the client identify and rank problems needing resolutions, establish long and short term goals, and decide on treatment methods and resources to be used. Please elaborate on all sections of this essay

And whatever else is best suited for Assessment, Evaluation, and Treatment Planning you may think is appropriate.

Please use this as a first paragraph to this essay:

I would like to obtain prior learning credits for having my CASAC T. The topic which I’m going to write about in this essay is entitled Assessment, evaluation, and treatment planning (3 credits, Non liberal, Introductory). In 2009 I attended outreach training institute located at 117-11 Myrtle Ave, Richmond Hill NY, 11418. Throughout the 11 month duration, I completed 350 hours training to obtain my CASAC T.  While attending the CASAC T training we explored many useful topics but the topic in which we are going to discuss is Assessment, evaluation and treatment planning. We also participated in many hands on activities, which will be beneficial while working in the field of substance abuse.