Answer explanation

I need an explanation why each of the below answer is the right answer.

1.  As a result of the geopolitics of world war II, political geography as a discipline went through an era of

Answer: marginalization, when the discipline lost influence and became apolitical.

2.  According to Mackinder, how would changing transportation technologies cause global power centers to shift?

Answer: From Britain to Eurasia.

3.  Which of the following is a critique of functionalist political geography?

Answer: It does not question power relations and political structures.

4.  Which one of the following describes a threat to state’s external sovereignty?

Answer: mafias and other criminal gangs residing within the territory.

5.  With its sovereignty split vertically between two levels, the United States is an example of __________state arrangement.

Answer: Federal

6.  The Treaty of Westphalia in 1648 marked the beginning of which of these?

Answer: the modern state system based on territorial sovereignty.

7.  What is the main purpose of the state according to pluralist state theory?

Answer:  the state mediates and adjudicates among multiple interests.

8.  Painter’s (2006) concept of statization refers to which process?

Answer: the state becomes part of many aspects of social life and practice.

9.  Why does Painter (2006) say that we should not reify the state?

Answer: The state is not a distinct, idenfiable thing.

10.  What does Garmany’s (2009) Pirambu favela case study demonstrates?

Answer: The relative order in Pirambu is maintained by residents who want to be good citizens despite the absence of the state.

11.  Which statement best describes new localism?

Answer: It is decentralized mode of governance that places more responsibility in local communities.

12.  Which of the f0ollowing statements about the relationship between states and nations is TRUE?

Answer:  States can be used to promote the interests of one nation over another.

13.  Which of the following matches a classical modernist theory of nations?

Answer: Nations are recent phenomenon associated with modernity.

14.  Access to opportunities such as education and health care are considered which type of citizenship?

Answer:  Social

15.  Which statement about Haitian descendants born in the Dominican Republic is TRUE?

Answer: They were recently granted de jure citizenship status.

16.  Which statement about the Kayapo is TRUE?

Answer: They have lost respect in Brazilian national politics.

17.  Why did Panama’s revolution fail?

Answer: External sanctions did not undermine the regime.

18.  Control over a territory is sufficient to guarantee sovereignty.

Answer: False

19.  The U.S Supreme Court is part of the coercive state apparatus.

Answer: True.

20.  According to Nepstad (2011), revolutionary movements will likely result to a strategy of violence if they view the people as the source of the ruler’s power.

Answer: False.