Answer 6 questions about Small Places, Large Issues by Eriksen, Thomas Hylland, Cultural Anthropology Quiz

Book used: Small Places, Large Issues: An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology 3rd edition by Eriksen, Thomas Hylland.

1.  What arenormsandsanctionsand how are they related? How do norms and sanctions provide insight about different social systems and societies? In your response please be sure to draw from andproperly citespecific passages from relevant readings, to include pertinent authors and debates, as well as your experiences to support your answer.

2.  Define and compare/contrastsocial structure,social organization,social systems, andsocial networks. In your response please be sure to draw from andproperly citespecific passages from relevant readings, to include pertinent authors and debates, as well as your experiences to support your answer.

3.  Consider the question ofkinshipanddescent. The readings suggest that depending on the cultural context, kinship has very specific definitions that are neither simply biological nor reducible to social relatedness. What does this mean? Discuss this in terms of “exogamy” and “endogamy” and in your response please be sure to draw from andproperly citespecific passages from relevant readings, to include pertinent authors and debates, as well as your experiences to support your answer.  

4.  What does the phrase“decolonizing the anthropological mind”mean? In your answers be sure to draw from andproperly citespecific passages from relevant readings, to include pertinent authors and debates (e.g., Said’s critique of “Orientalism,” Todorov’s critique of “primitive Otherness,” etc.), as well as your experiences to support your answer.

5.  What areAppadurai’s five dimensions in global cultural flowand what are some contemporary examples that might be described by this framework?

6.  “Man is to woman as culture is to nature.”Discuss some of the reasonswhy this statementis considered to beproblematicby scholars. In your response please be sure to draw from andproperly citespecific passages from relevant readings, to include pertinent authors and debates, as well as your own experiences to support your answer.