8 page paper in APA format

8 page paper in APA format

Requirements – All students enrolled in this course are required to write a paper on a subject to be approved or assigned by the instructor.

Each paper will have a minimum of 4 outside sources.  Acceptable outside sources are:  professional journals or periodicals, books (other than books written specifically as textbooks), articles or materials published by the National Institute of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics and others available through the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (https://www.ncjrs.gov/)

The paper will be worth 100 points and will be graded on the following criteria:

  1. Provides a thorough discussion and analysis of all of the elements of the subject.
  1. Contains a clear organizational pattern, to include an introduction, a body, and a conclusion.  The conclusion will include a comprehensive summary of the paper.

This is the topic I picked, so please make sure that the writer incorporates the main points I listed – The topic I am choosing to write my paper on will be on racial profiling in today’s society, and the effects it has on the communities as well as the individuals that experience this injustice.  As we’ve seen countless times on the news, there have been instances where police have used deadly force against unarmed young black men because they assumed that they fit a certain description based on appearance.  For this topic, I would like to touch on police racial profiling and the outcomes of these incidents, as well as why this practice is currently hurting the relationship between minority groups and law enforcement officers.

Main Points

·The history of racial profiling in America from the early 1900s up until now.

·The treatment of minority groups from police officers in contrast to white people.

·Mistaken deaths or accidental killings of individuals of color at the hands of the police.

·The tension between minority groups and law enforcement, and the negative effects racial profiling has had on their relationship.