506 – Unit 9 discussion

506 – Unit 9 discussion


 Your active participation in discussion threads is critical to the development of your understanding of the main concepts studied in this unit. Further, posting detailed responses allows your professor to guide your thinking and your classmates to respond to your ideas. Please participate as early in the week as possible, and be sure to share your thoughts and ideas as often as you can throughout the unit.

Respond to the threads below. Your original response should be at least 350 words and should reflect the fact that you have completed the assigned readings for the week. Remember, this is your chance to illustrate not only your understanding, but also your mastery of the materials for the unit. Use your words wisely so the posting has substance and includes examples and explanations. Limit the use of direct quotes, and do your best to critically evaluate and synthesize the literature in your own words wherever possible. Make sure to include in-text citations and a reference list as appropriate.

Discussion 1 of 2

Adults in the last stage of their lives often prefer to spend time doing favorite activities and socializing with those who are close to them. By this stage, most adults are retired and living a life that can become complicated by new choices such as type of living arrangements or loss of freedoms (e.g., driving). Use the information from our reading to respond to the following questions.

1. Using one of the theories in our reading, explain why an older adult might choose to live in the same house that she has occupied for most of her adult life, rather than moving into a smaller apartment.

2. Why do you think that some adults become bitter as they face death while others remain positive and active?

3. Propose a plan for addressing some aspect of bereavement for a group therapy session (e.g., stage of grief).

Discussion 2 of 2 (Non-Graded)

This is a non-graded discussion thread but you should used it to discuss issues, questions, share resources, or offer feedback on drafts of the final paper. In academic, research, and clinical settings, colleagues often openly review each other’s work. Your professors co-create documents frequently; it is common practice. So, please use this thread to your advantage. Your professor will monitor the discussion and offer suggestions.