5.08 help me 10 bucks

5.08 help me 10 bucks

Assignment: Current Event

Did you know that current governments, like the United States, still use some of the same ideas as the ancient Republic of Rome? You must have realized that when you did your research on local governments.Let’s look again now for even more examples. This time, you’ll look at the national government.

Follow these steps to locate a recent news article (within the past 30 days) about political events taking place in the United States.

  1. Go to www.CNN.com.
  2. At the top of the page above the Search box, click CNN news.
  3. Type “U.S. politics” into the text input box and click the Search button.
  4. Read the article titles and short descriptions. Then choose an article you find interesting.
  5. If you don’t find an article on the first page, click the Next>> button at the bottom of the page to see more articles.

Once you’ve chosen an article, answer the questions below:

  • How does the event described in the article have an impact on the daily life of the people in the United States today?
  • Do the fundamental ideas of a republic come through in this article? Does the article show how government is representing the voice of the people?
  • Who are the elected officials in the article? What branch of government is the focus?

Be sure to include this information:

  • Who is the article about?
  • What event is the article about?
  • When did the event take place?
  • When was the article published?
  • Where did the event take place?
  • Why did you choose this article?

Report your findings in a short essay. You can send this information directly in an e-mail to your teacher. Be sure to mention the name of the newspaper from which you selected your article and the date it was published.

Use your best writing skills and always run a spell-check before sending your work in for a grade.

We’ve almost finished the lesson! Let’s review the objectives just to be sure.