1 page paper APA Format

1 page paper APA Format

To prepare for this assignment, consider the following guidelines for selecting the media type to analyze:

  • You may wish to analyze a media type that you already engage with frequently. However, consider that your familiarity may color your perception; it may be easier to analyze a media type you are not as intimately acquainted with.
  • Although you are not responsible for finalizing your choice of genres and issues in Week 1, you should give those choices some advance consideration, as the issues you choose may be more prevalent in certain media types and genres than others.
  • Similarly, although you will finalize your choices of specific media texts later, if you have some in mind already, that may influence your choice of media type.

The assignment:

In a 1-page paper, write 2 or 3 paragraphs explaining the media type you plan to focus on and the factors you considered when choosing it. Support your assertions by making at least 2 references, in proper APA format, to relevant academic sources. 

The media type I want to focus on is music.